The Telangana Rashtra Samiti chief, Mr K. Chandrasekhar Rao, has been maintaining utmost restraint on certain issues which had been highlighting till now to instigate regional passions. Mr Chandrasekhar Rao is silent on the controversial Pothireddypadu head regulator though he has been contesting from the Mahbubnagar Lok Sabha segment. The TRS was claiming that the project will affect inflows from the river Krishna into Mahbubnagar district. The TRS chief has already launched his election campaign and addressed several meetings in the constituency but avoided speaking about Pothireddypadu and other controversial projects like Polavaram and Pulichintala.
“We will have major problems in other regions if too much significance is attached to issues that flare up emotions. There is a way out as we are all agreeing to the bigger issue of separate Telangana,” a senior TD leader pointed out. The TRS made an emotional issue out of Pothireddipadu when the Congress government tried to increase the capacity of head regulator and accused the Chief Minister, Dr Y.S. Rajasekhar Reddy, of diverting waters to his native district. The TRS leader and Siddipet MLA, Mr T. Harish Rao, even threatened to launch a massive agitation and mobilise people’s opinion against the government’s move by spending a night in every village of Telangana.
Similarly, the TRS strongly opposed the construction of Pulichintala and Polavaram which it feared will affect Telangana. Despite the Mahakutami partner Telugu Desam announcing in its manifesto its commitment to complete the two projects the TRS remained silent. The TRS chief kicked off another controversy by threatening to drive away the managements of schools and colleges belonging to the Andhra region. There is no negative talk of Andhra in Mr Chandrasekhar Rao’s campaign this time.
“We will have major problems in other regions if too much significance is attached to issues that flare up emotions. There is a way out as we are all agreeing to the bigger issue of separate Telangana,” a senior TD leader pointed out. The TRS made an emotional issue out of Pothireddipadu when the Congress government tried to increase the capacity of head regulator and accused the Chief Minister, Dr Y.S. Rajasekhar Reddy, of diverting waters to his native district. The TRS leader and Siddipet MLA, Mr T. Harish Rao, even threatened to launch a massive agitation and mobilise people’s opinion against the government’s move by spending a night in every village of Telangana.
Similarly, the TRS strongly opposed the construction of Pulichintala and Polavaram which it feared will affect Telangana. Despite the Mahakutami partner Telugu Desam announcing in its manifesto its commitment to complete the two projects the TRS remained silent. The TRS chief kicked off another controversy by threatening to drive away the managements of schools and colleges belonging to the Andhra region. There is no negative talk of Andhra in Mr Chandrasekhar Rao’s campaign this time.
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