Telugu megastar and Praja Rajyam Party president Chiranjeevi, who filed his nomination papers on Saturday for the Tirupati assembly seat in Andra Pradesh, has declared assets worth over Rs. 88 crore in his and his wife Surekha’s name. The couple has beaten Chief Minister Y.S. Rajasekhara Reddy’s son Y.S. Jaganmohan Reddy and his wife, who declared assets of Rs. 77 crore.
As per the affidavit Chiranjeevi submitted to the election authorities along with his nomination, the 53-year-old actor-politician had fixed assets worth Rs. 30,32,74,250 and liquid assets worth Rs. 3,50,05,579 in his name. His wife Surekha, daughter of noted Telugu comedian late Allu Ramalingaiah, has fixed assets worth Rs. 48,05,25,600 and liquid assets worth Rs. 6,16,83,210.
Chiranjeevi has Rs. 6,24,521 in cash, deposits worth Rs. 21,20,979, bonds and shares worth Rs. 1,12,95,000, gold and diamond jewellery worth Rs. 1,95,73,561 and other liquid assets worth Rs. 5,64,368. He owns a Honda CRV SUV valued at Rs. 8,27,150. His residential building on a sprawling 3,333 sq yd site at Jubilee Hills in Hyderabad is worth Rs. 14.36 crore and the 4092 sq yd site on Mount Road in Chennai is valued at Rs. 2,04,60,000. He has some other properties and real estate in and around Chennai worth several crore rupees.
As per the affidavit Chiranjeevi submitted to the election authorities along with his nomination, the 53-year-old actor-politician had fixed assets worth Rs. 30,32,74,250 and liquid assets worth Rs. 3,50,05,579 in his name. His wife Surekha, daughter of noted Telugu comedian late Allu Ramalingaiah, has fixed assets worth Rs. 48,05,25,600 and liquid assets worth Rs. 6,16,83,210.
Chiranjeevi has Rs. 6,24,521 in cash, deposits worth Rs. 21,20,979, bonds and shares worth Rs. 1,12,95,000, gold and diamond jewellery worth Rs. 1,95,73,561 and other liquid assets worth Rs. 5,64,368. He owns a Honda CRV SUV valued at Rs. 8,27,150. His residential building on a sprawling 3,333 sq yd site at Jubilee Hills in Hyderabad is worth Rs. 14.36 crore and the 4092 sq yd site on Mount Road in Chennai is valued at Rs. 2,04,60,000. He has some other properties and real estate in and around Chennai worth several crore rupees.
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