The Praja Rajyam chief Chiranjeevi slammed his long-time fans and friends who had left him saying, “It is better for people with such weak character to leave the party.” He said he was pained that his long-time fans and friends were leaving him because they did not get tickets to contest the elections. He never knew politics could destroy human relations, he told a meet-the-press programme organised by the AP Union of Working Journalists.
“Those who adored me for 30 years have switched loyalties just because of denial of tickets,” he pointed out. “I call it childish. I am not angry with them.” The PR had allotted tickets to three aspirants among fans of Chiran-jeevi. The party did not accommodate other fans as they had lacked clout among the people, he added. Chiranjeevi, made light of the desertions, saying they were common in every party. Leaders whose views differ with the party line leave abruptly, he said. He asserted the Praja Rajyam would remain intact.
However, Chiranjeevi did express regret over the resignation of the party vice-president, Mr C. Anjaneya Reddy. “I was shocked by Mr Reddy’s exit. He is a sincere and committed leader in the party. I am ready to apologise for any wrongdoing,” he said. That seemed to have worked, as Mr Reddy later met Chiranjeevi at the Praja Rajyam for about an hour and withdrew his resignation.
Rebutting the cash-for-seats allegations levelled against the party, Chiranjeevi said these accusations were scripted by his political rivals and they had “succeeded” in this false propaganda. He said the rail engine would remain the PR’s common poll symbol despite the objections raised by the Rashtriya Krantikari Samajwadi Party. Women and differently-abled persons, who were not given due share of tickets, would be accommodated in the Legislative Council, he said
“Those who adored me for 30 years have switched loyalties just because of denial of tickets,” he pointed out. “I call it childish. I am not angry with them.” The PR had allotted tickets to three aspirants among fans of Chiran-jeevi. The party did not accommodate other fans as they had lacked clout among the people, he added. Chiranjeevi, made light of the desertions, saying they were common in every party. Leaders whose views differ with the party line leave abruptly, he said. He asserted the Praja Rajyam would remain intact.
However, Chiranjeevi did express regret over the resignation of the party vice-president, Mr C. Anjaneya Reddy. “I was shocked by Mr Reddy’s exit. He is a sincere and committed leader in the party. I am ready to apologise for any wrongdoing,” he said. That seemed to have worked, as Mr Reddy later met Chiranjeevi at the Praja Rajyam for about an hour and withdrew his resignation.
Rebutting the cash-for-seats allegations levelled against the party, Chiranjeevi said these accusations were scripted by his political rivals and they had “succeeded” in this false propaganda. He said the rail engine would remain the PR’s common poll symbol despite the objections raised by the Rashtriya Krantikari Samajwadi Party. Women and differently-abled persons, who were not given due share of tickets, would be accommodated in the Legislative Council, he said
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