Actor-turned politician Ms M. Vijayashanti has told the returning officer that she owns non-agricultural land at Koyambedu in Chennai worth Rs 27 crore. She is facing an Income Tax-related case for delay in submission of returns which has been stayed by the High Court and is pending. Vijayashanti filed her nomination papers for Medak Parliamentary constituency as a TRS candidate.
The actor claimed that she filed income tax returns up to 2008-09. She stated in her affidavit that she does not own any property in the state. In Chennai, the land owned by her is spread over 27 grounds in survey number 149 in Koyambedu. Former Union minister Mr G. Venkataswamy’s son Mr Vivekanand, the Congress candidate from Peddapalli LS constituency, claims that he has Rs 50 lakh cash. In his affidavit, Mr Vivekanand stated that he invested Rs 20.8 crore in bonds, debentures and shares in companies. He had fixed deposits of Rs 80 lakh in the names of his family members, including his wife.
Another Congress contestant, Dr Manda Jagannath, who is contesting from Nagarkurnool Parliamentary constituency, in his affidavit said he has Rs 18.86 lakh cash and owns three cars. The TD MP contestant from Adilabad, Mr Ramesh Rathod, faces two criminal cases against him including one under Railway Act registered in Luxettipet. In his affidavit he said an appeal is pending with the I-T tribunal for an amount of Rs 5.7 lakh.
The actor claimed that she filed income tax returns up to 2008-09. She stated in her affidavit that she does not own any property in the state. In Chennai, the land owned by her is spread over 27 grounds in survey number 149 in Koyambedu. Former Union minister Mr G. Venkataswamy’s son Mr Vivekanand, the Congress candidate from Peddapalli LS constituency, claims that he has Rs 50 lakh cash. In his affidavit, Mr Vivekanand stated that he invested Rs 20.8 crore in bonds, debentures and shares in companies. He had fixed deposits of Rs 80 lakh in the names of his family members, including his wife.
Another Congress contestant, Dr Manda Jagannath, who is contesting from Nagarkurnool Parliamentary constituency, in his affidavit said he has Rs 18.86 lakh cash and owns three cars. The TD MP contestant from Adilabad, Mr Ramesh Rathod, faces two criminal cases against him including one under Railway Act registered in Luxettipet. In his affidavit he said an appeal is pending with the I-T tribunal for an amount of Rs 5.7 lakh.
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