The Election Commission on Tuesday served a notice to Telangana Rashtra Samithi president K. Chandrasekhar Rao asking him to explain if his party had received Rs. 10 crore as bribe from Samala Venkata Reddy to field him from Secunderabad Lok Sabha constituency. This followed a disclosure made by Mr Venkat Reddy himself three days ago that he had to shell down Rs.10 crore to the party to purchase the Secunderabad ticket. Mr Chandraskehar Rao has been asked to reply by 5 p.m. on April 2.
Chief Electoral Officer I. V. Subba Rao said the EC was verifying whether the Telugu Desam and other parties violated the election code by sending SMSes to cell phone users greeting them on Ugadi and at the time seeking their votes. He said election officials in Srikakulam district had been asked to verify if a campaign poster of the Congress Assembly candidate there, Revenue Minister D. Prasada Rao, was pasted on the Rajiv Aarogyasri ambulance and if so, launch immediate action treating it as code violation.Clearing of bills
With respect to clearing of bills of irrigation contractors by the Government, he said the Irrigation and Finance Secretaries had been asked to release the payments on first-come-first served basis in a chronological order. The Chief Electoral Officer ruled out closure of the liquor shops in the State on the eve of election as sought by the Election Watch, quoting Excise officials that the revenue loss for a month would be Rs. 600 crore
Chief Electoral Officer I. V. Subba Rao said the EC was verifying whether the Telugu Desam and other parties violated the election code by sending SMSes to cell phone users greeting them on Ugadi and at the time seeking their votes. He said election officials in Srikakulam district had been asked to verify if a campaign poster of the Congress Assembly candidate there, Revenue Minister D. Prasada Rao, was pasted on the Rajiv Aarogyasri ambulance and if so, launch immediate action treating it as code violation.Clearing of bills
With respect to clearing of bills of irrigation contractors by the Government, he said the Irrigation and Finance Secretaries had been asked to release the payments on first-come-first served basis in a chronological order. The Chief Electoral Officer ruled out closure of the liquor shops in the State on the eve of election as sought by the Election Watch, quoting Excise officials that the revenue loss for a month would be Rs. 600 crore
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