Chandrababu says Do not buy TV now

Wearing yellow, pink and red scarves of Telugu Desam, TRS and Left parties, TDP president N. Chandrababu Naidu launched the party’s campaign here, highlighting Cash Transfer Scheme and colour TVs and mounting vitriolic attack on Congress. Addressing his first public meeting here after blowing the conch to signal the launch, Mr. Naidu asked the people to respond by clapping if they believed and approved the party’s two flagship schemes. There was thunderous applause instantly.
“Congress which derides these as impracticable should hear this applause. I have been the longest serving Chief Minister and I know how to implement them. Vote out Congress.”TDP’s candidate from Malkajgiri Lok Sabha constituency Bhimsen and the Medchal Assembly segment’s Prakash Goud and the local TRS and the Left party leaders stood beside him atop the van from which he addressed the meeting.
Mr. Naidu drew enthusiastic response from people who attended, braving the scorching heat. “The response is the first signal of our return to power,” he said while explaining the benefits of the CTS and colour TV. “ The CTS will supplement your monthly income and take care of your wards’ education while you can update your knowledge by watching TV.”
He went on to ask the people not to buy colour TVs and wait for a month or so to get them free when TDP returns to power. The party has also lined up several other schemes in its manifesto, covering all sections of people. Whenever Telugu Desam was in power it dedicated itself to the welfare of poor, he said.Ill-gotten wealth
The Congress government, during the last five years, indulged in corrupt activities plundering the State’s wealth and resources. Every scheme it launched was steeped in corruption. “It was with ill-gotten wealth that the Congress planned to buy leaders of other parties and the voters. Do not fall prey to such inducements. Your future will become dark.”


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