The Telugu Desam president, Mr N. Chandrababu Naidu, on Thursday unveiled his mega manifesto which promises all things under the sun from free cash and colour television sets to a separate state. Other highlights of the manifesto are job protection for IT employees facing trouble, a tribunal to punish corrupt politicians, creation of 50 lakh jobs in five years, 12-hour free power to farmers, and five-day week for government employees among others.
To revive his image as a man of the masses, Mr Naidu promised to revise the pension of retired government employees depending on their age. Those who are 100 years old will get 100 per cent additional pension. Similarly, poor senior citizens aged between 60 and 65 will get a minimum pension of Rs 500 per month and those aged above 85 will get Rs 1,000 per month.
“This is the best election manifesto in the country,” said the TD chief. “It is unique.” Mr Naidu, however, ignored the party founder, Mr N.T. Rama Rao’s pet scheme of prohibition but promised to eradicate belt shops. He vigorously rebutted the Congress and Praja Rajyam allegations that his promises could not be implemented and said they would easily fit into the Rs 1 lakh crore budget of the state.
“The Congress is scared of our promises,” he said after releasing the manifesto at NTR Trust Bhavan.The TD is banking heavily on the cash transfer scheme that promises to pay Rs 2,000, Rs 1,500 and Rs 1,000 to poor and middle class families on the first of every month like a salary. The TD chief justified the colour TV scheme by saying that the elite had six to seven TV sets in their house including one in the bathroom.“Let the poor also enjoy their evenings,” he said. Further, Mr Naidu announced an integrated NTR health scheme, a modified version of the Arogyasri, but one which covers more diseases. Mr Naidu also assured Rs 1,000 per head as unemployment dole for the youth, and free education to backward class students from first standard to post-graduate level.
To revive his image as a man of the masses, Mr Naidu promised to revise the pension of retired government employees depending on their age. Those who are 100 years old will get 100 per cent additional pension. Similarly, poor senior citizens aged between 60 and 65 will get a minimum pension of Rs 500 per month and those aged above 85 will get Rs 1,000 per month.
“This is the best election manifesto in the country,” said the TD chief. “It is unique.” Mr Naidu, however, ignored the party founder, Mr N.T. Rama Rao’s pet scheme of prohibition but promised to eradicate belt shops. He vigorously rebutted the Congress and Praja Rajyam allegations that his promises could not be implemented and said they would easily fit into the Rs 1 lakh crore budget of the state.
“The Congress is scared of our promises,” he said after releasing the manifesto at NTR Trust Bhavan.The TD is banking heavily on the cash transfer scheme that promises to pay Rs 2,000, Rs 1,500 and Rs 1,000 to poor and middle class families on the first of every month like a salary. The TD chief justified the colour TV scheme by saying that the elite had six to seven TV sets in their house including one in the bathroom.“Let the poor also enjoy their evenings,” he said. Further, Mr Naidu announced an integrated NTR health scheme, a modified version of the Arogyasri, but one which covers more diseases. Mr Naidu also assured Rs 1,000 per head as unemployment dole for the youth, and free education to backward class students from first standard to post-graduate level.
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