Nomula Narsimhaiah

Name: Nomula Narsimhaiah
Age: 53
Date of Brith: 09 Jan 1956
Sex: Male
Education: MA, LLB
Place: Nakrekal
Party: CPI(M)
No of times participated: 3


President, Mandal Praja Parishad, Nakrekal (2 Times)


  • Sir,
    MY namaskarams to you. U may be surprised to know that i am a fan OF YOU. The way u speak in assembly is watched by me as and when possible and i feel u r one the best MLAs in AP assembly. I really like you sir and i want to meet you once in person. U may also be surprised to know that I am a Telugu person hailing from AP working in Rajasthan Udaipur. I wish you all the very best and I hope that the Voters of your assembly will again send you to fight for people.WISHING YOU ALL THE VERY BEST.

  • All the best sir for next elections

  • he is good politician

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