Andhra Pradesh Panchayatraj Minister B Satyanarayana today promised to transfer powers to Panchayat Raj Institutions (PRIs) as stipulated by the 73rd amendment to the Constitution.
Addressing his maiden press conference after assuming charge, Mr Satyanarayana said he would hold a meeting of all those concerned to look into all issues connected with the transfer of 29 subjects from the State Government to Rural Local Bodies, besides devolution of funds for their independent functioning.
The State Government had already passed orders for transfer of 11 subjects to local bodies, he pointed out.Maintaining the promises made in the poll manifesto were ’sacred’ for the ruling Congress, he said steps would be initiated to make Scheduled Tribe hamlets into ’’Gram panchayats’’ as promised in the election manifesto.
The State Government would provide all support to the local bodies for providing basic amenities, including pucca roads and safe drinking water.
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