Rosaiah will remain CM till 2014, says VH

The violent incidents allegedly involving Jagan’s supporters has provided a rallying point to the State Congress leaders of other groups who have now for the first time come out openly in support of Rosaiah.
V Hanumantha Rao after meeting Rosaiah said that he will remain Chief Minister till 2014 when the next election was due. When asked whether it will not be going against the people’s wishes, Hanumantha Rao quipped, "We know what the people wish and whose side they are. The people’s wish cannot be bigger than Sonia Gandhi’s decision. Whoever is blessed by Sonia will be the leader," he said,Meanwhile the Congress workers belonging to various other camps also held protest demonstrations all over the State against the incident of burning of Sonia posters. In Hyderabad, a demonstration was held in the State party headquarters Gandhi Bhavan. State minority cell president Sirajuddin who led the demonstration said the people who insulted Sonia were trying to challenge the authority of the party high command.
Jagan camp on the other hand was not in a mood to take it lying down. Jogi Ramesh, MLA and Jagan follower questioned the authority of Hanumantha Rao in declaring that Rosaiah will remain the Chief Minister till 2014. He said the senior leaders should stop making such provocative statements.


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