Chief Minister YS Rajasekhara Reddy has said development programmes and welfare schemes will be implemented in more transparent manner. Speaking to mediapersons at Tirupati airport this evening, the Chief Minister said the Handri Niva Sujala Sravanthi (HNSS) would turn the barren lands of Chittoor district into lush green fields.
The irrigation project works are going on at a brisk pace.He said Prime Minister Manmohan Singh would lay the foundation stone soon for the Rs 6,000-crore NTPCBHEL power project at Mannavaram near Srikalahasthi.
Reddy said he would meet the Prime Minister in a week to finalise the programme.When a reporter asked for his comment on the resignation of Chittoor Congress MLA CK Babu, the Chief Minister shot back saying `who told you that he resigned’ and left.
Later, the Chief Minister attended the marriage of Housing Minister Silpa Mohan Reddy’s daughter at Urban Hatt and went to Tirumala. He was accorded a rousing welcome by Congress activists at the airport.
Ministers Galla Aruna Kumari, P Ramachandra Reddy and Gade Venkat Reddy, Tirupati MP Chinta Mohan, TTD Chairman DK Audikesavulu Naidu and others were also present.
The irrigation project works are going on at a brisk pace.He said Prime Minister Manmohan Singh would lay the foundation stone soon for the Rs 6,000-crore NTPCBHEL power project at Mannavaram near Srikalahasthi.
Reddy said he would meet the Prime Minister in a week to finalise the programme.When a reporter asked for his comment on the resignation of Chittoor Congress MLA CK Babu, the Chief Minister shot back saying `who told you that he resigned’ and left.
Later, the Chief Minister attended the marriage of Housing Minister Silpa Mohan Reddy’s daughter at Urban Hatt and went to Tirumala. He was accorded a rousing welcome by Congress activists at the airport.
Ministers Galla Aruna Kumari, P Ramachandra Reddy and Gade Venkat Reddy, Tirupati MP Chinta Mohan, TTD Chairman DK Audikesavulu Naidu and others were also present.
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