Local Telangana Rashtra Samiti leaders have lodged complaints with the police that the Medak MP, Ms Vijayashanti, and Mahbubnagar MP and TRS chief, Mr K. Chandrasekhar Rao, have been missing since several days. “Ms Vijayashanti promised to get a railway route, drinking water among other things when she was campaigning from here but she did not even visit the constituency after the election,” said Mr Jeevan Rao, a local TRS leader.
Earlier, another party activist had filed a complaint at Mahbubnagar police station alleging that Mr Chandrasekhar Rao was missing. The party vice-president, Ms Umadevi, hit out against the party leadership and the president, Mr Chandrasekhar Rao.
Talking to mediapersons at Telangana Bhavan, Mrs Umadevi charged the party chief of making a fortune out of the sacrifices made by the cadre. “He made the party a family affair and is now forcing party sympathisers to make sacrifices. He never bothered about the Telangana sentiment,” Ms Umadevi said.
Taken by surprise at the turn of events, the Medak MP, Ms Vijayasanthi, rushed to the Telangana Bhavan and spoke to mediapersons.
Describing the police complaints against her and the party president as “motivated by united state activists” the actor-turned-politician requested party cadre observe restraint.
“All these activities only benefit those who support a united state. It will weaken the Telangana movement. The TRS is striving to achieve its goal of a separate state and I am sure it will happen soon,” Ms Vijayashanti said. The TRS chief has decided to talk to senior leaders on Tuesday at the Telangana Bhavan. He left for Hyderabad on Monday from New Delhi .
In order to avoid mediapersons waiting before his house in Delhi , he opted to exit from the backdoor to reach the airport.
Earlier, another party activist had filed a complaint at Mahbubnagar police station alleging that Mr Chandrasekhar Rao was missing. The party vice-president, Ms Umadevi, hit out against the party leadership and the president, Mr Chandrasekhar Rao.
Talking to mediapersons at Telangana Bhavan, Mrs Umadevi charged the party chief of making a fortune out of the sacrifices made by the cadre. “He made the party a family affair and is now forcing party sympathisers to make sacrifices. He never bothered about the Telangana sentiment,” Ms Umadevi said.
Taken by surprise at the turn of events, the Medak MP, Ms Vijayasanthi, rushed to the Telangana Bhavan and spoke to mediapersons.
Describing the police complaints against her and the party president as “motivated by united state activists” the actor-turned-politician requested party cadre observe restraint.
“All these activities only benefit those who support a united state. It will weaken the Telangana movement. The TRS is striving to achieve its goal of a separate state and I am sure it will happen soon,” Ms Vijayashanti said. The TRS chief has decided to talk to senior leaders on Tuesday at the Telangana Bhavan. He left for Hyderabad on Monday from New Delhi .
In order to avoid mediapersons waiting before his house in Delhi , he opted to exit from the backdoor to reach the airport.
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