The Chief Minister, Dr Y.S. Rajasekhar Reddy, has urged the TRS(N) leader and MP, Mr A. Narendra, to join the Congress so that he could be fielded against the TRS chief, Mr K. Chandr-asekhar Rao, in Medak.This suggestion came up when Mr Narendra met Dr Reddy on Tuesday morning at the latter’s camp office to seek Congress support for his candidature in the Medak Lok Sabha segment.
As such, there are no formidable leaders from the Congress to take on Mr Chandrasekhar Rao, who is shifting from Karimnagar to try his luck at Medak. Sources said the Chief Minister pointed out that Mr Narendra could be fielded as a prominent BC leader if he joined the Congress.There was a long line-up of ticket seekers from the Congress at the camp office of the Chief Minister where he was closeted with his aide, Dr K.V.P. Ramacha-ndra Rao.
Though the Chief Minister has finalised the list of candidates, the flow of aspirant candidates is likely to continue till March 8 — the day the AICC screening committee will meet at Delhi and discuss the candidates’ list. Before that, the 11-member Pradesh Election Committee will meet on Wednesday in the presence of the AP Congress Affairs in-charge, Mr Veerappa Moily. Among those who met the Chief Minister on Tuesday were the actor-turned-politician Mr Satyanarayana. The wife of the late P. Janardhan Reddy also met the Chief Minister along with her daughter and son, the Khairatabad MLA, Mr Vishnuvardhan Reddy, and sought one more party ticket. Several ministers, MLAs MPs and senior leaders of the party met the Chief Minister to seek tickets. Later, they met the PCC chief, Mr D. Srinivas, also to seek his blessings.
Dr Reddy has almost finalised the list of candidates based on surveys conducted by three agencies with winning chances as the prime criterion.
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