Former Union Minister U.V. Krishnam Raju on Tuesday joined the Praja Rajyam (PR) in the presence of party president K. Chiranjeevi. “I have realised that the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) cannot improve the lot of the poor and the downtrodden sections of people in Andhra Pradesh and I have decided to work with the Praja Rajyam with the firm belief that Mr. Chiranjeevi is serious about helping people and working for their welfare,” he said.
The Praja Rajyam president welcomed the former BJP leader and said: “His entry strengthens my hands and we will show the world how two people who were together in ‘reel’ life, can also join hands and work for people in ‘real’ life too.” When asked if Mr. Raju’s entry construed taking the Praja Rajyam a step closer to the BJP, Mr. Chiranjeevi said there was no ‘enmity’ per se with the BJP. “It is only that our thoughts and policies do not match perfectly.”
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