The Nava Telangana Party, launched by the former Telugu Desam leader, Mr T. Devender Goud, merged with the Praja Rajyam on Thursday in the presence of Chiranjeevi. The NTP leaders took the PR membership along with Mr Goud.Speaking on the occasion, Chiranjeevi launched a scathing attack on the TRS chief Mr K. Chandrasekhar Rao and the Telugu Desam president, Mr N. Chandrababu Naidu.
The Praja Rajyam chief Chiranjeevi asked the TRS chief, Mr Rao, why he joined hands with the TD, even though the PR was willing to give more number of seats to the pink party.He further wanted to know what prompted Mr Rao to align with the TD-led alliance, in which the CPI(M), an opponent of Telangana, was also a member.Mr Chiranjeevi alleged that the TD-led Grand Alliance was formed with the parties which had no ideological similarities.
“It is an alliance of upper caste leaders who are not bothered about the formation of a social Telangana. All the leaders are power hungry,” the PR chief alleged.People will teach the Maaya Kutami (deceptive alliance) a fitting lesson in the polls, he remarked.“Apart from ideological dissimilarities, they are also fighting over the seat-sharing issue. The alliance will surely collapse soon,” the PR chief predicted.
He accused Mr Chandrasekhar Rao of using the Telangana issue for gaining political mileage. “Mr Rao does not want formation of Telangana. For him the issue is a weapon to hog political limelight,” Chiranjeevi said.Chiranjeevi said Telangana was not a backward region but it was made one by successive governments which ruled the state so far.
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